Tuesday 6 August 2013

Off-Topic: Bread

Yes, I know this is a film blog. But sometimes something not connected with my usual topic amazes me so much that I can't keep quiet. Or come to think of it, it doesn't. This is the first time it's happened since I started my blog three years ago.

Yesterday my local supermarket (Asda, a large English supermarket) was sold out of my usual bread, so I bought another loaf at random. Allinson High Fibre White Bread. I'd never seen it before. One loaf is as good as another, I told myself. When I got home I found out I was wrong. This loaf wasn't like any other. I knew from the first bite that it was something special. It was so tasty that I can't keep it to myself.

I've never been a fan of wholemeal bread. In England I grew up with white bread, and when I moved to Germany (where wholemeal bread is common) I yearned for good bread. But this bread, made by Allinson, is something special. Despite the name it isn't quite white. It's slightly, very slightly, off colour. I'm no expert as a food reviewer, I can't say what is different to normal white bread, I just know that it tastes somehow better. Similar but better. Today I have been enjoying it. No meat or jam or anything like that. I've just spread a thin layer of margarine on the bread and let the bread's taste speak for itself. Utterly delicious.

I've found out today that Allinson has only been selling this bread since February this year. So that's why I never knew about it before! They've won me over. I just hope that it's successful, that its production won't be cancelled or -- even worse -- the recipe changed.

So if you're a reader who lives in England, try it out. You won't regret it.

1 comment:

  1. You know, this kind of sucks. The last three days I've been attempting to buy another loaf of this bread. On Thursday Asda didn't have any. On Friday and Saturday it was already sold out when I went shopping. I asked the manager about it, and he said that when they first got it it wasn't popular and they were throwing loaves away every day. As a result they only order small quantities now.

    I suspect it's a problem with the way Asda is trying to sell it. Despite being labelled as a white bread, it's sold in the wholemeal bread section. People who visit this section are looking for wholemeal bread and won't buy it. People who prefer white bread are unlikely to discover it.


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